Yes, this is a very simple site.  

So is its purpose. 

We’re not here to sell, but inform.  

About me: I’ve worked in Marketing for 20 years, and now, just like you,

I hate ads. 

I hate the big tech companies that serve these ads. 

I hate paying for subscriptions yet still being force fed ads. 

I hate that smaller businesses get trapped having to pay these big tech companies everyday 

to run ads in order to exist, something I’ve seen too many times. 

I hate the whole thing. #enoughads 

So I started this company for two reasons. 

First: To help people stay engaged with what’s happening both on, and with, the internet. 

We know surprisingly little of how things work, 

and even less about where it’s all going. 

Worst of all, wherever it’s going, 

it’s going there faster than ever.  

Second: Helping those businesses trapped spending endlessly 

with those big tech companies, 

while those same companies manipulate users 

to stay hooked. 

It’s a vicious loop, but after managing those ads for years myself, 

I know how to get a business OUT of running those ads.

I’m a consumer first, business second

and I want to help both. 

If you’re a business that’s tired of your online ad dependency, apply now. 

It Just takes a small leap of faith in pursuing it. Do so here

For consumers, sign up free and get access to our  content. 

Become educated and help educate others in the minefield 

that is today’s internet. Join us here

And to all of you, 

Thank you for your time. 

Chief Trooper